Planning to Stay in Your Home: Hire an Expert


We are proud to be a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS), trained in the nuts and bolts of aging in place planning and construction. We're proud because it means we're among the small group of contractors, planners, and designers that have completed the comprehensive curriculum of "aging in place" training and continuing education offered by the National Association of Home Builders, one of industry's premier trade group. We are also a Certified Living In Place Professional (CLIPP) and a Senior Home Safety Specialist (SHSS). These additional designations are offered by other certifying institutions, providing aging in place education to further enhance a professional's' knowledge and skills in the aging in place design.

Aging in place is a big life decision; that's why you need an expert team in place to create and build a safe and accessible home environment. Not every contractor and planner has the knowledge and experience to meet this standard. Few have decided to focus on aging in place and universal design and pursue the necessary training to qualify as an expert in the field.

As a "CAP" or “CLIPP” specialist, we are trained in the unique needs of older adults. We know the kinds of modifications that improve access and safety, and we focus on solutions to the problems that make living in your home more difficult as you age. The educational programs developed by The National Association of Home Builders includes techniques and strategies that cover every aspect of designing and building aging in place and universal design modifications. We have the expertise to guide you through the transition to an accessible and welcoming home environment.

Most homes are not well suited for the disabilities that accompany aging. For example, less than 4% of all homes have entrances without steps, single-floor living, and wide hallways and doors. Fewer still meet design standards for proper lighting, safe floors, door handles, and accessible electrical sockets. Making a home "aging in place" compatible with all the safety, accessibility, and convenience features demand skill and expertise that few planners and contractors bring to the table.

We are here to help you plan the most cost-effective modifications and implement the necessary strategies to provide home safety and comfort. The goal is always to enable you to spend many happy years in your home. Please don't hesitate to give us a call or drop an email with your questions or comments. We are glad to share our expertise and knowledge with you and are always pleased to be talking about "aging in place" solutions.